ALCOHOL USE and the CAGE Questionnaire
Disorders of the Digestive system and Liver
2 min read

ALCOHOL USE and the CAGE Questionnaire

July 25, 2024

In our present times of frequent social alcohol drinking, it sometimes becomes difficult for the consumer, family or doctor to recognize early symptoms of dependency.  Alcohol use disorder (AUD) as it is presently called, is the wider all-encompassing term that includes dependency, addiction and withdrawal, and by virtue of its

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Disorders of the Digestive system and Liver
2 min read


July 25, 2024

Do you get burning sensation behind your chest bone, or have sour food come into your mouth? Do you wake up at night with “heartburn” or “acidity”, and need to drink water or take antacids for relief? If this happens more than once a week, you are suffering from GERD

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What makes Pele feature Health Adda?
Disorders of the Digestive system and Liver
2 min read

What makes Pele feature Health Adda?

July 25, 2024

The Brazilian soccer legend, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, more popularly known across the world by his nick name Pele, died at the age of 82 of complications arising from colon cancer. Pele achieved more fame and stature as a sportsman than anyone could possibly have. He started playing football as

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Skeletal Muscle latest member to join the Endocrine Club
Disorders of the Digestive system and Liver
2 min read

Skeletal Muscle latest member to join the Endocrine Club

July 25, 2024

Hormones, or chemical proteins that circulate in the blood and regulate body function, have long been known to be produced by just a handful of endocrine glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas and the gonads. Three latest ones to join this exclusive club are intestines, bone and

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