Dr. G.C's Health and Wellness Initiative

Dr Gourdas Choudhuri’s Health and Wellness Initiative

Do you get burning sensation behind your chest bone, or have sour food come into your mouth? Do you wake up at night with “heartburn” or “acidity”, and need to drink water or take antacids for relief? If this happens more than once a week, you are suffering from GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) one of our modern day maladies.

GERD is caused by refluxing of acid that is normally produced by the stomach, into the food pipe or esophagus, due to malfunctioning of the one-way valve located at the stomach-foodpipe junction (GE valve). A recent nation-wide survey from 25 centers, conducted by the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, found that 8.4% of Indians suffer from this disorder. If you are a sufferer, you have 80 million in India for company!

GERD is a lifestyle disorder, but also tends to run in families suggesting a genetic component as well. Its frequency has jumped up in recent decades replacing Irritable Bowel Disease as the commonest GI disorder. 

Obesity. fatty food ( pastries, fried food, cheese, cream), chocolates, pungent spices cause relaxation of the GE valve as do alcohol, nicotine and caffeine and are notorious for causing GERD, accounting for the early morning “heartburn” often experienced after that perfect late night party. 

Diagnosis of GERD is fortunately not difficult as the symptoms are quite typical. The commonest test advised is an endoscopic examination, during whcih the doctor examines whether ulcers have formed in the food pipe or if the lower oesophageal valve is very loose. Long standing severe reflux may occasionally cause scarring and narrowing, and sometimes lead to cancer. 

Changes in life style certainly help. Regular exercise, maintenance of ideal body weight, avoiding all the predisposing foods and beverages, a small early dinner and elevating the head end of the bed, do work. Those who can’t change their ways, prefer to take pills that reduce acid production in the stomach (Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs) or tighten the GE valve. They work well, but only as long as you keep taking them.  

Refluxers are confronted with a hard choice of “Pleasure and Pill” or “Frugal Pauper”. Not easy!

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