Dr. G.C's Health and Wellness Initiative

Dr Gourdas Choudhuri’s Health and Wellness Initiative

Avocado, the dark unimpressive looking dark green fruit-veg that looks somewhat between a pear and a guava, and was hardly known in most parts of the world, is surging in popularity in homes and restaurants.

On cutting, it has a creamy texture with a big seed inside, quite like a mango in that sense. It is difficult to describe its taste: not sweet, not bitter, not sour….something but creamy and “flat” to the new taster.

It is indeed the “creaminess” and flavour that makes it so popular. It finds its place in salads, food pastes, bread spreads, dips, can be put in soups or omelettes. It can even be used in place of mayonnaise or as a substitute for butter while making cakes.

What has drawn attention of health experts is its health benefits. Though creamy in texture, and containing a good proportion of fats, it largely contains mono-unsaturated fatty acids, the “Heart Healthy” fat.  It also is rich in carotenoids, fibre, vitamins and Potassium.

Hence it is now being consumed and promoted actively. In a recent study called the Habitual Diet and Avocado Trial (HAT Trial)  published in 2022, researchers tried to find out how eating an avocado every day for 6 months affected weight and heart health in a group of 1008 adults. 

The results showed that participants who consumed avocados were better off with regard to their lipid profile, and cardiac health parameters. Interestingly, despite consuming more calories (avocados have plenty) they did not gain weight or body fat.

Similar studies have thrown up other health benefits of including this fruit in our diet.

It has all the makings to reduce the rink of cancer. In two studies involving 45000 men and 67000 nurses,  they noted a reduced risk of occurrence of cancer of colon, lungs and bladder. 

They have shown favourable blood sugar control especially in diabetics probably due to their abundant content of fibre and unsaturated fats. It improves skin health, presumably due to its fats and fat soluble vitamins.

Avocado is a fruit that is difficult to fall in love with at the first meeting. My first taste of it few years ago during one of my trips overseas. Now I find that my fruit seller keeps avocados that are grown in India !

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